Deb Elbaum Podcasts

In the Right Direction

Each month, I share bite-sized episodes with my most-used coaching tips, tools, and strategies to help you think and communicate effectively. Each episode has concrete ideas you can put into action to grow your leadership, build your confidence, and enjoy your life more.

In addition, if you want more tips and strategies for thinking and communicating more clearly, sign up for my monthly newsletter.

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Episode 30: Three Ways to Lessen Your Inner Critic

Episode 30: Three Ways to Lessen Your Inner Critic

We all have an inner critic, the voice that causes us pain and keeps us from thinking big, speaking up, and going for what we really want. Our inner critic can be exhausting and demoralizing to listen to! Although we might want to tune it out, it can be hard, because...

Episode 29: How to Build a New Habit More Easily

Episode 29: How to Build a New Habit More Easily

We all want to build new habits. Maybe you want to exercise more, or create time for strategic thinking at work. It can be hard building a new habit because it takes lots of brain focus and energy. What if there was a brain-friendly tool that could help your brain...

Episode 28: The Secret to Being a Great Coach

Episode 28: The Secret to Being a Great Coach

Coaching expedites personal and professional growth because it helps create clarity, build confidence, and determine the next action steps to take. Unfortunately, even though most leaders know they should coach more, they too easily fall into the habit of advice...

Episode 27: The Secret to Being Less Reactive

Episode 27: The Secret to Being Less Reactive

When information comes at us – such as in an email, message, or feedback – our brain can get activated and we can end up reacting in ways we later regret. When we react instead of thoughtfully respond, it can cause misunderstanding, hurt feelings, and damage our...

Episode 26: Build Your Executive Presence with This 1 Question

Episode 26: Build Your Executive Presence with This 1 Question

Executive presence is not just for executives. It’s for everyone, because people notice what we do and say. And if we are doing and saying things that leave a negative impression, it can undermine our relationships and influence. Being aware of and intentional around...

Episode 25: How To Handle Negative Feedback

Episode 25: How To Handle Negative Feedback

When people share their solicited or unsolicited opinions about your work, your style, or how you communicate, they are giving you feedback. While some of this feedback is hopefully positive, other times it might feel negative. It might really hurt. When we receive...

Episode 24: What To Do When Your Thinking Needs to Change

Episode 24: What To Do When Your Thinking Needs to Change

Our brain and the way it thinks is powerful and persuasive. How often are you convinced that your perspective and point of view is the truth, the only way to see a situation? The reality, though, is that perspective is a choice. There are other, more positive...

Episode 23: How to Make Networking Work for You

Episode 23: How to Make Networking Work for You

Most professionals agree that networking is important, and yet, it the thought of reaching out to someone you don’t know well often fills people with anxiety or dread. Worrying about bothering someone, or not knowing your ask for a networking conversation often stops...

Episode 22: From Impostor Syndrome to Confidence

Episode 22: From Impostor Syndrome to Confidence

It’s estimated that 70% of people experience Impostor Syndrome at some point. Are you one of them? How has it kept you from asking for a promotion or raise, or sharing a novel idea? Impostor syndrome keeps us playing small in a world where we have important things to...

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