Episode 25: How To Handle Negative Feedback

Episode 25: How To Handle Negative Feedback

When people share their solicited or unsolicited opinions about your work, your style, or how you communicate, they are giving you feedback. While some of this feedback is hopefully positive, other times it might feel negative. It might really hurt. When we receive...

Episode 24: What To Do When Your Thinking Needs to Change

Episode 24: What To Do When Your Thinking Needs to Change

Our brain and the way it thinks is powerful and persuasive. How often are you convinced that your perspective and point of view is the truth, the only way to see a situation? The reality, though, is that perspective is a choice. There are other, more positive...

Episode 23: How to Make Networking Work for You

Episode 23: How to Make Networking Work for You

Most professionals agree that networking is important, and yet, it the thought of reaching out to someone you don’t know well often fills people with anxiety or dread. Worrying about bothering someone, or not knowing your ask for a networking conversation often stops...

Episode 22: From Impostor Syndrome to Confidence

Episode 22: From Impostor Syndrome to Confidence

It’s estimated that 70% of people experience Impostor Syndrome at some point. Are you one of them? How has it kept you from asking for a promotion or raise, or sharing a novel idea? Impostor syndrome keeps us playing small in a world where we have important things to...

Episode 21: The 2 Key Steps to Personal Growth

Episode 21: The 2 Key Steps to Personal Growth

I’m sure you’ve heard people talk about leadership development, and maybe you've wondered, how does it actually happen? How do people develop personally and professionally? With so many resources at our fingertips, it can be hard to know where to start. Knowing the...

Episode 19: The 3 Keys to Getting Buy-In

Episode 19: The 3 Keys to Getting Buy-In

We are always negotiating with others at home and work. There are ideas we want to move forward, people we want to hire, and funding we want to secure. To create alignment takes buy-in from others. But what if you are not sure how to approach these conversations? The...

Episode 18: How to Manage Challenging People

Episode 18: How to Manage Challenging People

Are you tired of letting the challenging people in your life drain you and take up too much of your energy? Think of what it would be like if you could set better boundaries and have more clarity about what to do in a challenging interaction. You’d feel more...

Episode 17: Want to Achieve Your Goal? Do This.

Episode 17: Want to Achieve Your Goal? Do This.

We all have ideas of things we are excited to try or accomplish. We have home projects, creative projects, personal endeavors, and even professional goals that we know are important and have the potential to make us happier, healthier, and more successful.And, yet,...

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