Episode 19: The 3 Keys to Getting Buy-In

Episode 19: The 3 Keys to Getting Buy-In

We are always negotiating with others at home and work. There are ideas we want to move forward, people we want to hire, and funding we want to secure. To create alignment takes buy-in from others. But what if you are not sure how to approach these conversations? The...

Episode 18: How to Manage Challenging People

Episode 18: How to Manage Challenging People

Are you tired of letting the challenging people in your life drain you and take up too much of your energy? Think of what it would be like if you could set better boundaries and have more clarity about what to do in a challenging interaction. You’d feel more...

Episode 17: Want to Achieve Your Goal? Do This.

Episode 17: Want to Achieve Your Goal? Do This.

We all have ideas of things we are excited to try or accomplish. We have home projects, creative projects, personal endeavors, and even professional goals that we know are important and have the potential to make us happier, healthier, and more successful.And, yet,...

Episode 16: The Best Way to Stop the “Shoulds”

Episode 16: The Best Way to Stop the “Shoulds”

Many of us hear a constant refrain from our inner critic about all the things we should be doing and feeling. And you might think the word should is helpful. After all, it keeps you on your toes and reminds you about all of the things you'd like to ideally accomplish....

Episode 15: The Key to Clear Communication

Episode 15: The Key to Clear Communication

If you’re like my clients, you say things like, I want to be a good leader. Or I wish my presentation had gone better. We use words like good, bad, better, or best all the time without really thinking about them, and without really taking the time to define exactly...

Episode 14: The Reason You Need to Stop Using “But”

Episode 14: The Reason You Need to Stop Using “But”

We all use the word “but” all the time, often without thinking about it. That word has an energy of resistance to it. It shuts down whatever thought you just had, or whatever idea someone else recently proposed. This can make you feel like you’re not allowed to have...

Episode 13: The 3 Reasons Our Brain Jumps to Conclusions

Episode 13: The 3 Reasons Our Brain Jumps to Conclusions

In our interactions and conversations with other people, our brain often jumps to conclusions. Our brain assigns motives to people's behavior and comes up with reasons people do things – usually without knowing the full story or having all of the information. This is...

Episode 12: The “Right” Way to Do Life

Episode 12: The “Right” Way to Do Life

Do you ever look around at other people and their successes, and wonder if you’ve achieved enough or are as far along in your career as you should be? Life is not a straight, upward trajectory. Remembering this and defining our life story and the shape of our life can...

Executive and Leadership Coach Deb Elbaum

Are you a leader who would like to think and act more calmly, clearly, and confidently?

I work with senior executives and emerging leaders to help them better manage leadership challenges — whether navigating challenging work environments, communicating more confidently, or making high-stakes decisions. If you would like to learn strategies to shift unhelpful mindsets and behavior patterns, contact me now for a complimentary strategy session.
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