In the Right Direction
Each month, I share bite-sized episodes with my most-used coaching tips, tools, and strategies to help you think and communicate effectively. Each episode has concrete ideas you can put into action to grow your leadership, build your confidence, and enjoy your life more.
In addition, if you want more tips and strategies for thinking and communicating more clearly, sign up for my monthly newsletter.
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Episode 52: How to Interpret 360 Feedback
Feedback is a helpful part of professional development; it illuminates our strengths and growth opportunities. Yet, receiving feedback – especially 360 feedback from our manager, peers, and direct reports – can be daunting and overwhelming. It can send our brain to a...
Episode 51: The Best Way to Prepare for Meetings
Meetings are an opportunity to show leadership presence, build relationships, collaborate, and align around action. Too often, though, people just show up to a meeting without any intention or preparation. That’s disrespecting others’ time and the meeting’s value....
Episode 50: How to Empower Others in the Moment
When we sense that the people we are talking with feel unclear or uncertain, we want to be supportive. We want them to feel clear, confident, and empowered. The way to to do this is not by telling; it's by asking questions. Helping others feel empowered in the moment...
Episode 49: Two Tools to Help When Others are Stressed
Leaders are committed to supporting those they work with to achieve goals. One obstacle that can get in the way is the stress of other people. If you work with people who get stressed, you know the negative impact it can have on productivity, working together, and...
Episode 48: One Way to Create More Peace of Mind
Having more peace of mind allows our body to relax and our thoughts to quiet. Calmer, clearer thinking helps us move forward more easily and live more intentionally. Too often, though, everyday stresses undermine our ability to connect to this place of calm. If we...
Episode 47: How to Build Trust More Quickly
Relationships need trust to thrive. When there’s trust, relationships are easier, lighter, and more collaborative. When there’s a lack of trust, misperceptions and misunderstandings can take root. Building trust takes clarity around expectations and perceived roles...
Episode 46: One Question to Shift into Growth Mindset
Innovating, taking on challenges, and partnering effectively with others requires a growth mindset – a perspective of resilience and seeing “failures” as learning opportunities. Yet, too often, stress and frustration can send us into a fixed mindset. What if you had...
Episode 45: How to Shift Limiting Self-Beliefs
Most leaders are committed to their personal and professional development. We get in our own way, however, when we operate from a fixed mindset and continue to hold and perpetuate old “stories” and negative limiting beliefs we have about ourselves. Growth and learning...
Episode 44: The Power of What We Say
What are the most helpful things people have said to you during your life that you still carry with you and recall when you need that wisdom? Taking the time to reflect helps us better understand the beliefs and ideas that guide us and help us make sense of the world....