Almost everyone I talk with wants to feel more hopeful, happy, and calm. We want to feel like we’re navigating uncertainty, moving forward, and creating the life that’s most important to us.
Yet, the thing that has the potential to undermine our happiness, productivity, and certainty is stress. Stress is worry, anger, or overwhelm that gets in our way and undermines how we think, feel, and act.

What if you had a way to deal with stress easily and calmly? What if you knew how to look stress squarely in the face and say, I see you, AND I know how to deal with you? Knowing how to coach yourself to start tackling stress would put you back in the driver’s seat of your life.

In this episode, Leadership Coach Deb Elbaum shares two powerful stress-busting questions that you can ask and answer to shift your thinking immediately from “there’s nothing I can do” to seeing your way forward. Deb shares personal and professional examples to show how to use these questions in your life. Bringing these questions to your mental mindset will help you feel more empowered.

If you want to take back some of your control over the stress and pressures on you, grab a paper and pen and press the play button now.

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Executive and Leadership Coach Deb Elbaum

Are you a leader who would like to think and act more calmly, clearly, and confidently?

I work with senior executives and emerging leaders to help them better manage leadership challenges — whether navigating challenging work environments, communicating more confidently, or making high-stakes decisions. If you would like to learn strategies to shift unhelpful mindsets and behavior patterns, contact me now for a complimentary strategy session.
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