Complaining is a usual part of life. We complain to others; our colleagues complain to us; and we might have a running commentary of complaints as part of our self-talk. The trouble with complaining, though, is that it keeps our thinking stuck and can prevent us from knowing and working toward what we do want.

Having a way to break the habit of complaining – for both ourselves and others – can help. When we have a coaching strategy that can quickly short-circuit complaining and refocus the conversation, we can spend more time thinking about the goals we do want and the steps we can take to achieve them.

In this episode, Leadership Coach Deb Elbaum shares a powerful coaching question that can quickly shift a complaining session into a productive conversation so that people feel clearer, more positive, and more empowered. If you’re ready to for a coaching tool to shift complaining into action, press the play button now.

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If you want another strategy for being less reactive, listen to this podcast about the power of the pause.


Executive and Leadership Coach Deb Elbaum

Are you a leader who would like to think and act more calmly, clearly, and confidently?

I work with senior executives and emerging leaders to help them better manage leadership challenges — whether navigating challenging work environments, communicating more confidently, or making high-stakes decisions. If you would like to learn strategies to shift unhelpful mindsets and behavior patterns, contact me now for a complimentary strategy session.
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