We all have ideas of things we are excited to try or accomplish. We have home projects, creative projects, personal endeavors, and even professional goals that we know are important and have the potential to make us happier, healthier, and more successful.
And, yet, too often our great ideas stay ideas – we never act on them. We think it’s too hard, or too late, or we’re too old. We never take that first step to make our idea a reality.
What if you knew how to take an idea and put it into action? What if you had the tools for the right type of action plan – one that keeps you on track and accountable? It would give you a road map to move forward, to cross items off your to-do list, and to feel more empowered.
Listen in to this episode as Leadership Coach Deb Elbaum shares how to make the right type of action plan – and the three key pieces that every action plan must have. When you have a great action plan, you’re significantly more likely to follow through, take yourself seriously, and accomplish the goals you set for yourself. And, as Deb reminds us, we do this one baby step at a time.
If you’re ready for a personalized road map to move you closer to your goals, grab a pen and paper and press the play button now.